Saturday, May 23, 2009

$100 for BMW Car

Check out this new car toy for toddlers made by BMW. Its only 100 bucks, and it looks good. How many of ya'll would buy this for your kid?

2 Lovebirds Meet Again and It Dont Ends Nicely

Charles Hamilton and his ex girlBrianna, who is also Mary J Blige's step daughter, meet up in the street. They play games supposedly doing an interview, but leads to a rap battle between the two. He says something that hit her close to the heart, and WHAM, she right hooks him in the face. LOL Why is this not new..everytime someone battles they get mad and wanna throw bows..But it was funny as hell, check it out!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Remember Her?

Sarah from the MTV group, Da Band! Girl you done change, what made you do that?

JS Were U Drunk?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Daytona Beach is Flooded Knee High

LOL @ Rick Ross

Black cops VS Black Child: It gets really ugly!

Im not sure what happened here, but the kid is in bad shape. He must have resisted arrest or threatened their lives because that is how they beat him as like they had no other choice. SMH!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Father Ate His Son Eyes Out

True story. Angelo Mendoza blinded his child by ripping out his eyeball and muscle and ate them. Doctors said he may have been on PCP at the time. Neighbors called the police after he tried to kill himself by chaining his naked body in his wheelchair to a tree and then trying to chop his legs off with an ax, moments after that incident they checked on his 4 year old son and found him. Luckily, his is still alive and in child protective care, but its a shame that he has to live with knowing that his father ripped his eyes and ate them. Here's what Kero23 reported:
Court documents said neighbors checked on Mendoza's son, Angelo Jr., after they noticed the father acting nervously and fleeing from his east Bakersfield apartment in his wheelchair. Inside, they found little Angelo naked and bleeding. Police said the boy had numerous bites to his hands and his eyes were swollen shut. Doctors said the boy's left eye and muscle were completely missing. His other eye was mutilated beyond repair. The boy told them, "My daddy ate my eyes out." Rodriguez said meanwhile Mendoza approached him at a neighbor's vacant house down the street.
Angelo's bail is set a 1 million, and he is being charged of torture, aggravated mayhem, and cruelty to a child.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Father of the Year Reward Goes To: Demic

Demic from the group, Demic & Bawsten and 30/30, wins father of the month reward.
He gets the father of the month reward because he brought his adorable 8 month old daughter on stage when he performed "Siditty Chick" at Hot Import Night in Englishtown, NJ. The crowd went bananas. Him along with Bawsten, ST, and DJ Whiplash hyped the crowd up even more with their estatic performance. They had so many giveaways, and the crowd was loving every minute of the show. Demic ran out of giveaways, but the crowd wanted more, so he gave 3 of the shirts he had on away. LOL Also, I saw one guy throw his headphones into the crowd. I seen a lot of performances and nobody had a show for over 40 minutes, so these guys must be running things. The show was very entertaining, and these guys know how to move the crowd. Good job fellas! You can follow them at

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tampa girl private parts exposed in yearbook

Why would you not wear underwear with a skirt? A Tampa teen took a yearbook photo with no drawers and a skirt but forgot to cross her legs. In addition, she sat in the front row of the photo. Thousands of students have a copy of this yearbook and they all seen her stuff. She wants the school to retract the yearbooks and fix the pic, but they dont want to do it. She's embarrass now but was it done on purpose? She claim she wore no underwear because she didnt want her panty line to show! Un hun, any girl who freeballs with a skirt on is FRESH. Duh easy access!! Nothing we can do about it, just suck it up and go back to school girl. Next time, cross ya legs homie!