Thursday, May 7, 2009
NEW Birthday Sex (ladies version)
Better Believe It!
Gold Digger Status
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Swine Flu is Serious!
The first American citizen died this week from the Swine flu. She was a 33 year old schoolteacher from Texas. She had been hospitalized for 2 weeks and went into a coma. Before her life support ended, doctors performed an emergency cesarean, and delivered a healthy baby boy. Another 23 month boy died from Swine flu as well in Texas, but he was from Mexico only seeking medical attention in the States.
Monday, May 4, 2009
2 Year Old IQ 4 Points Less Than Einstein
Elise Tan is the smartest 2 year old black girl in the United Kingdom, actually she is half Malaysian and Nigerian. This little girl begin talking at 5 months, she started walking at 8 months, and now that she is 2 years old with an IQ 4 points below Einstein's.
Congrats!A two-year-old girl has become the youngest member of Mensa, the society strictly for geniuses.
With intelligence far beyond her years, Elise Tan Roberts can name 35 capital cities and identify the three types of triangle. Her IQ is 156 - higher than Carol Vorderman’s, the maths expert and former Countdown host. The average IQ in the population at large is 100.
The toddler, from Edmonton in North London, can already spell her name aloud, read the words “mummy” and “daddy” and recite the alphabet.
Mensa accepts the top two per cent of the population based on IQ and normally only tests children over 10 years old, but the society made an exception and welcomed Elise based on a standard intelligence measure.
The child is in the top 0.2 per cent for her age, according to Professor Joan Freeman, the child psychologist who used the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale to test Elise.
John Stevenage, head of Mensa, said he was always delighted to welcome a new member.
Tila Blogs About Her Man
Its a wrap for Cocktail, rumor is that Ray J is dating Tila Tequila, the asian bisexual chick looking for love on Mtv. Nobody goes on these shows looking for true love, its all about getting extreme exposure on TV, and im not just talking about the girls but Ray J too. lol Well, Tila supposedly been dating Ray for a while and she puts all their business out in her blog, here is what she wrote:
So there have been SO SO SO SO many rumors about me dating P.Diddy, Tyrese, to anyone you could possibly think of! So I am taking to my blog to clear up all them rumors ok? I am not dating anyone of those guys, although they are all very close friends and I have the upmost respect for secret boyfriend......that I have been trying to keep on the hush hush for soooo you guys ready????Maybe she's talking about another Ray J and we just assume its "Brandy bother" Ray J. LOL Ray whats going on, you just did a reality show and slept with more than 2 of em, so you mean to tell me that Tila was cool with this! You been exposed!
My real boyfriend is RAY J!!!!! Yes.....we've been dating for a while but didn't want the media to find out cuz it's nobody's business, but since all these other random rumors starting poppin up that I'm dating so, and so, I finally felt that I needed to tell the world that rumors are NOT TRUE!!!!
My baby is Ray J.....and no man has made me feel so loved and so happy in such a long time. We really do love each other and I am so happy to have FINALLY met someone who treats me with respect and love. He is so sweet to me and makes me melt everytime I see him.......I love my there you have it! Tila Tequila is officially dating Ray J!!!!!! I think we make the cutest couple....dont you?????