Elise Tan is the smartest 2 year old black girl in the United Kingdom, actually she is half Malaysian and Nigerian. This little girl begin talking at 5 months, she started walking at 8 months, and now that she is 2 years old with an IQ 4 points below Einstein's.
Congrats!A two-year-old girl has become the youngest member of Mensa, the society strictly for geniuses.
With intelligence far beyond her years, Elise Tan Roberts can name 35 capital cities and identify the three types of triangle. Her IQ is 156 - higher than Carol Vorderman’s, the maths expert and former Countdown host. The average IQ in the population at large is 100.
The toddler, from Edmonton in North London, can already spell her name aloud, read the words “mummy” and “daddy” and recite the alphabet.
Mensa accepts the top two per cent of the population based on IQ and normally only tests children over 10 years old, but the society made an exception and welcomed Elise based on a standard intelligence measure.
The child is in the top 0.2 per cent for her age, according to Professor Joan Freeman, the child psychologist who used the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale to test Elise.
John Stevenage, head of Mensa, said he was always delighted to welcome a new member.
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