Thursday, March 26, 2009

Michael Jackson Wants Another Child!

Hmmm, Michael Jackson is looking to adopt a new son in London. He announced his love for his kids and admits that he wants one more. British adoption agencies are considering MJ, but they are crazy for doing so. MJ has too much history in the sexual/nonsexual child abuse category. What do you think?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Kobe Bryant and more court issues!

Kobe Bryant and his wife Vanessa are being sued by their former housekeeper, who claims Vanessa was incredibly abusive -- even demanding that she put her hand in a bag of dog feces to retrieve a tag from her blouse.

Maria Jimenez claims Vanessa called her "lazy, slow dumb, a f---ing liar, and f---ing sh-t."

In the lawsuit filed in Superior Court in Orange County, Jimenez claims Vanessa accused her of stealing her (mouth) retainer.

Jimenez says it got so bad -- Vanessa allegedly "badgered, harassed and humiliated Maria by yelling and screaming at Maria and criticizing her in front of Kobe, the Bryants' children, employees and other people in the household" -- she threatened to quit but Kobe talked her out of it.

The final straw -- when Vanessa went nuclear because Maria put an expensive blouse in the washer. Vanessa demanded that Maria put her hand in a bag of dog feces to retrieve the price tag for the blouse.

Maria says she wanted to quit and Vanessa responded that she "had to work until payday to pay for the $690 blouse, which she did."

Maria is suing for wrongful discharge, invasion of privacy and emotional distress and unpaid wages.