Thursday, December 4, 2008

Man shoots wife while having sex

An Ohio resident called 911 reporting that he accidentally shot his wife while they were having sex. He stated that he reached for something on the night stand and the gun went off. His wife was shot in the chest, and is now in critical condition. The husband was arrested and his bail was set at 75 G's. The couple has previous history of abuse, he served a jail sentence for assaulting his wife, and she also put out a order of protection, which he failed to follow. They have the 911 call all on tape, check it out.

Now the first thing i thought was okay somebody is kinky, then my second thoughts were something is wrong with this story. For one, it sounds like a lie, the location of the gun by the bed out in the open sounds unbelievable, a perfect shot to her chest(yea right), last but not least, all of this occurred while having sex. Sounds to me like he is the abuser and not a smart one. I hope his wife is smart by not agreeing with his excuse, which a 2nd grader would have made up. Sweety, you do not need this man, turn up Beyonce and kick his ass to the left, to the left. Get better soon!

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