Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is this a Purple Cow?

Ziggy Marley, son of Bob Marley, will be releasing his third solo album, but this one is a purple cow because it is a children album. For those who dont know, "purple cow" means doing something extradinary that has never been done before. And i dont know no other reggae artist who dropped a children album. The album will be out March 5, and it is called "Family Time." It will feature his children, mom, and sister. Here is what also reported:
“Growing up music was an important part of my childhood,” Marley says. “I see it being just as important in my children and all children’s growth and development. Music helps children to grow with open minds and open hearts and this is my message. This record represents my daily family life and is inspired by my three-year-old daughter Judah and baby Gideon. It was a joy to make and opened up new avenues in my creativity. Family Time is for all families and especially the world family.”


  1. I came up with this idea first!
    I told demic we shoulda did that last year!

  2. Yea i remember, but now you gotta think of something betta, like an audio children book lol
