Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dont Try This At Home

"Why you coming home, 5 in the morn, something goin on, let me smell your d!*k" are lyrics by Riskay Drama Queen. This is just a song, but a woman did exactly this, and resulted into a black eye and a busted lip. Yup! A 37 year old woman from Port St. Lucia suspected her 25 year old husband of cheating, and asked him to pull out his penis so she can smell it. She got on her knees and was about to sniff, and then WHAM! He beat her up and fled the scene. He has a warrant out for his arrest now. I actually like this song, homegirl can sing, but i suggest you sing along not act it out! Stupid..who wants to smell a stinky penis anyway, thats just sick!

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