Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Its A Wrap For Cable TV!

Time Warner and Bright House customers will lose 20 Viacom channels, such as Nickelodeon, MTV, VH1,  and BET, because their cable company and Viacom are in dispute. The contract ends 2nite at midnight between Viacom and TW and BH. Viacom wants to increase their fees so cable companies are debating whether to renew the contract and they have a few hours to come to a decision. They will cause cable companies to charge more than $30 more if they go in their favor. If they fail to renew the contract, people will most likely cancel their cable service and switch to satellite tv because all the good channels will be gone. I mean really , NICK, MTV, BET, and VH1, are the most watched channels. No more reality shows or children programs. But there is a twist! 

Cable operators such as Time Warner are also miffed that Viacom and other companies have made some of their most popular programming available for free on the Internet. That's where many fans of Comedy Central's Stewart and Stephen Colbert catch their shows. 

"They are not charging people more for that," Time Warner's Dudley said. "We will just tell our customers how to hook up their PCs to their television sets so they can watch it online for free." 
This is true because when i miss a show on TV, i just go to the website and watch it on there for free. I rarely watch TV now because i know i can watch all my shows on the PC. So now they are encouraging this to happen if the contract is not renewed. Cable TV is done for 2009, but for those who still want to watch their favorite channels on the television, you need to call the numbers below and demand it. NOW! You have 15 hours!!!!!!!

Time Warner Cable customers call 1-800-762-3786 and Bright House Networks customers call 1-866-309-3279, AND DEMAND THEY KEEP YOUR CHANNEL! 
Brighthouse has already added to their website to visit to watch their favorite shows..This is real ppl!

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