Thursday, December 11, 2008

Please get a room!

Slick em from Pretty Ricky recieves a brain job from a fan in a room full of people. Dude next to them looks like he is going to be next. I do not think this is cute in any way, its actually disgusting and they both should be ashame of themselves. I used to be a fan of PR, but only because of Pleasure. He had a very good voice, and i'm glad he is no longer a part of PR. I am no longer a fan of Pretty Ricky.


  1. Dats how you get burnt!!

  2. iStill Lovee PR!


  3. ilOVE dHEM!!!!

    SLiCk EM iS dUH fAvOrITE<3


    wHO EVA SAiD dHAtS hOw YU GEt BurNt iSS FUhkiNG DUMb(:


  4. $ outer east specatular baby $April 17, 2010 at 7:14 PM

    i can't they did that in publice but i still love pretty ricky in slick'em for every love ya

  5. PrEeTy RiCkY....i totally love them...*and i think that if slick wants to be hOrNy Or WoTeVa....then thats him he shouldnt really affect the rest of tha gang aniwaii SLICK'EM IS MY FAVOURITE......MWAH LOVE YOU.
