Sunday, February 22, 2009

Chris Brown hit with Attempted Murder???

Do not I repeat do not choke a superstar. If you would like to choke a bitch make sure she is broke or not famous. When you choke a little skinny ass defenless looking Rihanna they will throw the book at you. If I beat someone up and they hit me with attempted murder i'm coming back to finish the job.....

As the complicated story of Chris Brown’s attack on Rihanna continues to unfold, police have revealed the possible charges being brought against the “Kiss Kiss” singer for his March 5th arraignment.
The LA District Attorney’s office is collecting evidence to beef up their case as they plan to charge Brown with several felonies including domestic violence, assault resulting in great bodily injury, and even perhaps attempted murder.
Given that Brown threatened to kill Rihanna and subsequently allegedly strangled her until she passed out, it stands to reason that attempted murder is fair game for the DA’s office.
The only problem they’ll face is getting Rihanna to corroborate the story, and getting the jury to believe her side over his, since Rihanna and Chris were the only two witnesses.

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