Friday, February 27, 2009

You Living a Double Life?

A P.E elementary school Teacher in Virginia almost got fired because of his double life. He was teacher in daylight, and rapper,D T the Great, at night. He had tons of videos on Myspace and Youtube of him performing, cursing, smoking weed, and drinking patron. Well, a parent was "appalled" when her son was viewing D T the Great LOL She took it to board of education and they ruled that the videos can stay because he is not breaking any laws. I kind of agree though, that man should be allowed to live his life doing activities he if the video showed the man selling drugs then that's a different story. Anyway, the parent need to chill and monitor her son computer activities because Myspace is for 13 and up users, and i dont know what elementary school have 13 year olds. What do ya'll think?

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