Sunday, March 1, 2009

9 Year Old Girl Pregnant With Twins

OMG!!! A 9 year old Brazilian girl just found out that she is 4 months pregnant. She went to the hospital suffering stomache pains, and the doctor discovered that she is pregnant and carrying twins. She is very young, and doctors believe her body does not have a pelvis strong enough to support twins, so they will be scheduling for her to have an abortion. Abortions are illegal in Brazil, except if person was raped or molested. This case is being investigated because doctors believe that her stepfather may be the father, and he may have molested her since she was 6.
This story gets worse every second, but I really do hope things get better for her. She needs a lot of help and support to get over this ordeal. Here is what Yahoo News reported
According to police accounts reported in the media, the 23-year-old stepfather was believed to have abused the girl since she was aged six, paying her one Brazilian real (about 77 Aust cents) for each sexual relation.

He also allegedly abused the girl's physically handicapped 14-year-old sister.

He was arrested on Thursday as he attempted to flee to another region in Brazil, and was being kept in protective custody.

Pernambuco's state secretary for social development and human rights, Roldao Joaquim, was quoted on the website JC Online as saying the suspect "should pay for his savagery".

If convicted, the suspect faces up to 15 years in prison.

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